Thursday, September 17, 2009

A story for us all...

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy."

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Children's Books are in: 1,327 of them!

The ingredients for a great evening:

1) The Children's Book Bank (a wonderful organization with a wonderful mission and strategy)
2) Fire on the Mountain (great food, nice people, great music)
3) Lots of people giving lots of books! (a total of 1,327 books!)

Hosting a book drive for the Children's Book Bank we set up collection boxes at the Gresham City Hall, Alter Ego Salon and Lloyd Athletic Club. It seems that it was just as easy as asking! The books poured in! Our volunteer group wanted to finish the book drive with a celebration so we asked the nice folks at Fire on the Mountain to host us on August 27. They agreed and even helped us spread the word about our drive. Two families brought in many, many books after reading about our drive on Fire on the Mountain's Facebook page! See FOTM's Tweet here:

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed books. Approximately 90 children will receive their very own tote collection of 15 books - kids who may not have any other books of their own. Great work, All!