Saturday we had a great time working again in the garden located at the Human Solutions Daybreak Shelter. There was rain and there was cold, but we were in really good spirits. Several other volunteers from two different groups worked along with us which made the work go much faster. We built one of two raised beds that will be wheelchair accessible, spread woodchips on the paths and spread composted elephant manure on the beds. Yes! Real elephant droppings from the honest-to-goodness elephants at the Portland Zoo!

We found out this garden will be called the "Peace Garden", which we thought was a lovely choice for a name. All the City of Portland community gardens have lengthy waiting lists so the Peace Garden will be the only one with open plots - for a limited time! The garden will have its grand opening Saturday, March 28, so feel free to attend: 10am-noon, SE 127th and Market.

As you can see, the picnic table we built last month is still standing and looking very much like a fully functioning picnic table. And still no injuries reported!
Teaming up with Human Solutions and the City of Portland Community Garden Program

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