Saturday, May 16 was Walk Day in Portland! "Team Howie" walked in th

e Great Strides walk to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis in honor of William Fisher. William is Shannon's honorary nephew who lives in Boise, ID and he was born with the disease last January. He has been teaching us all a lot, and he's also the reason five of us found ourselves in Oaks Amusement Park on that beautiful Saturday getting to know some of the other families who have been touched by CF.
Team Howie surpassed its fund-raising goal and came up with $1,615 through donations of co-workers and friends and family from across the country! The Oregon Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation hosted six walks in May and raised a collective total of over $280,000!
Here is a
Fact Sheet on CF for anyone interested in learning more a

bout the disease. William's mom Andrea tells us she's hearing exciting news about new studies and treatments so we are hopeful. Be on the look-out for more news from Shannon on the upcoming stair climb up Big Pink in September that will raise more money for a cure. Thank you so much to everyone who supported our walk and good luck, Little William!!
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