The group headed to the Rebuilding Center on N. Mississippi on June 3rd. This was one of our harder volunteering efforts. Two of us who showed up were sick and went home before the work really got started, and the three who stayed had to deal with an amazing amount of dust and dirt and grime. Face masks next time! The mission of the Rebuilding Center is amazing, no question, and it takes this kind of dirty volunteering to get the job done. Salvaged materials are brought here and sorted and resold to

1. make sure those reusable materials are diverted from landfills and to
2. allow shoppers to avoid buying newly manufactured products!
It really is a win-win and along the way there is a lot of community happening in the process. Our team transferred materials off shelves in order to set up a new set of bigger shelves in the "Miscellaneous" department. Great job to all, and to the rest of us, please go shop at the Rebuilding Center!
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