Saturday morning, nine of us arrived to help around the Human Solutions Daybreak shelter. We thought we would be mostly working and cleaning indoors, and a few of us did organize the clothing closet, but it turns out that the City of Portland Community Gardens Program is starting a community garden at this location as well. We helped spread mulch on the new plots and built a picnic table. (No one doubts that what we ended up with is definitely a picnic table, but we think it could have gone together a bit easier. We'll get better!)

It was mostly sunny if a little cold and we had a few great kids around to both help and play.
Our group hopes to help more here in the future both at keeping the shelter clean and tidy and by getting the community garden up and running.

Here is more information on Human Solutions, and on the City's Community Garden Program
Thanks to all who came out to help - it was a great day!
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