Our first email received wonderful response. We held a kick-off meeting on February 4th to talk about our ideas for projects. We tentatively decided on a group name "Return Serve" which is still up for discussion but for now seems to share the ideas of gratitude for what we have, playfulness and the thought that these efforts are ongoing, that there is always another way to give and to serve. The following email was sent February 4, 2009.

Hello! Our service project group (still to be named) had the kick-off meeting tonight - we had eight people attend, five more who almost came but had last minute conflicts, illness, or cranky children, and a whole lot more who expressed a lot of interest but who couldn't attend! Thanks to everyone for the responses of all sorts.
Mainly the group here tonight tossed out ideas for projects and groups to explore - there is much work we can do! We will be investigating those options and letting you know of opportunities starting right away!
First, housekeeping - please let me know if you would like to no longer be on this list. And if you have friends, family or co-workers who you think would like to be involved, please have them write to me to request to be added, or suggest them to me directly but please get their permission first!
Now for the fun part! We have two projects confirmed so far. Please let me know right away if you can commit to one or both.
Project #1
Human Solutions
We will be working at Human Solutions' Family Day Center (I have to still check on the address, but somewhere in East Multnomah County) - working on organizing the clothing donation closet, kids toy closet, painting walls in the shower room and doing some yard work. There is enough work for 10 people for half a day - we'll start at 9a.m. on Saturday, February 21st. Please let me know if you would like to participate! If your friend or spouse would like to be involved as well, just let me know. I think the "you +1" approach will work well for us!
Project #2
Oregon Food Bank - Food Repack
We will be repacking bulk food into smaller parcels to be distributed to families. I have reserved a time for us on Thursday, March 26th at 6:30-8p.m. at 7900 N.E. 33rd Drive. There is enough work here for up to 80 people per shift, so it's open to everyone but we have to tell the volunteer coordinator how many we will have as soon as possible. Please respond to me as soon as you can, no later than Monday, February 9th.
So, I hope those options sound appealing! We'll be back with you soon to share more opportunities, but please if your schedule allows and you're interested, jump on board with these first two projects!
Thanks so much in advance - this is bound to be a rewarding and fun adventure and we're excited to work with each of you!
Emily and Shannon
p.s. - At the meeting tonight we discussed potential names for our group. The leading candidate so far is "Return Serve". Please let me know if you have any ideas for group names - open to brainstorms until we find one that sticks. If you have strong feelings one way or the other about "Return Serve" please let me know that too! Thanks!
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